2017-18 DL program-professional results table only

Other highlights

  • Database management
    1. Created and managed a comprehensive data collection system that tracked nearly 3,300 customers over 10 sites using web-based forms and MS Excel
  • Marketing
    1. Developed highly-praised marketing collateral
    2. Launched a new Digital Literacy website whose purpose is to recruit new volunteers and support current volunteers in the field
  • Fund Development
    1. Awarded $110K from Spectrum/Charter Communications for 5 Digital Literacy sites and a new computer-equipped Learning Center
    2. Gained the equivalent of $142,892 in volunteer donated time (up from $67,703 in 2015-16)
    3. Produced program results that lead to a 50% increase in the RCSD/OACES contract
    4. Received 10 laptop computers, donated by a LVR Board member
    5. Raised over $2.5K from Digital Literacy volunteers who formed a 2017 Gold-sponsor Brain Game team
    6. Awarded $5K from Episcopal Diocese of Rochester for 20 computer tablets
  • Customers
    1. Distributed 772 free flash drives to customers  (up from 215 in FY 2015-16)
    2. Provided, for the first time, 3 laptop computers to long-term customers who demonstrated the capacity to grow their digital skills
    3. Customers came from a total of 42 zip codes: 83.9% of them lived in 14619, 14621, 14609, 14611 and 14606
  • Volunteers
    1. Supported volunteers up to 147 hours per week, 6 days per week
    2. Provided 5,014 hours of service (up from an estimated 1,756 in 2014-15)
    3. Provided on-call support to volunteers 6 days per week, including until 8:30 pm on three evenings and 4 hours on Saturdays
    4. Continually made technological improvements to better support volunteers

2017-18 program report 

2016-17 program report 


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