Always save documents to Google Drive or a flash drive when possible
Time limit: one-hour max per session when other customers are waiting
DO NOT use or create resumes with special formatting
Record ALL usernames, email addresses and passwords in spreadsheet listed below.
Resume Tips:
Where possible, show up to 10 years of continuous employment. It is the customer’s preference whether to show more
Include volunteer positions under Professional Experience when there are employment gaps
Parsers (algorithms) use a hierarchy that is based on employer preferences. That’s why it’s imperative to use key words and list career highlights and qualifications/skills at the top of the resume
Write a resume around the job description
Write different resumes for different jobs/industries
Show on-going education and learning (this makes the resume stronger)
Eliminate all spelling and factual errors
Cover Letter Tips:
Write different cover letters for different kinds of jobs
Tell a story to show more than what the resume can tell alone
Describe what you can offer a prospective employer
Describe how the customer can help the employer to succeed